date : 01.05.2008.
after tender the registartions letter to boss, feel so empty spending e tyme at home meaninglessly.. dono what to do at home.. tym pass so slow and felt so guilty ta ii lied to boss and boss ask mie go back help him fer 2 weeks. parents ta round really hard to convince as dey scared ta ii'm tired due to the wrkin hours.. quite miss e tyme ii've in sk carz..
nothing to do so jus tak sum photos.. lols.. hard to pass tyme.. will find new job soon ii guess.. continue stay at home, ii'l turn crazy..

**miss e keys..****
**yAnLiNg aKa rACh3L***

ii'm stress.. stress + siianx.. 
yAnLiNg aKa RacHeL..
sum of the thing can be forgotten bt some of the thing are not as easy as eu think to forget..
thing are said ' tym can erase the the sad memories bt tym euu nds an longer tyme in ta'..
memories are sweet like sugar.. its sooo sweet..
sad memories are as like bitter.. its so bitter..
@ Thursday, May 01, 2008